Layout-gasm + meme type thingy?

Mar 19, 2007 21:47

Everyone needs to go and check out my glorious new Heechul inspired layout, made for me by the absolutely fantabulous



Ganked from Bel: *waves at bel*
Name analysis:

Self-confident, expressive and determined are some of the more positive characteristics of these names. The key-note would be self-expression. Can be accused of suffering from 'hoof and mouth disease'. Their fluid verbal expression combined with their need to have the last word can sometimes catch them with their foot in their mouth. They have a quickness of mind that finds expression through their tongue. Combine these two elements and you have a formidable debater. Throw in their natural sense of humour and you find that they love to tease but sometimes they do not know when enough is enough. The problem here is that their strong expressive urge can sometimes overshadow their ability to listen. It is their combined qualities of self-expression and strong self-assertiveness that leads to this. This gift of verbal spontaneity can either be an asset or a liability depending on the overall balance of their names.

Self-expression - dude, i'm just weird, and fond of... different turns of phrase^^. And, my foot is ALWAYS in my mouth, tasted it just yesterday. And i DO listen - sorry, did you just say something?

If there is sufficient balance then these people can become quite successful because they have plenty of initiative and drive. They have a love of people as well as a strong independent streak that finds them doing things in their own way. They could do well at anything that utilizes their expressiveness. In fact it is through speech that they get ahead in life, if they have learned to curb their outspoken manner that can sometimes offend others. Theirs is a carefree attitude that hates to be tied down to too much detail and routine. They love change and travel with a little bit of excitement thrown in. When they are free and independent they are at their best creatively. They can do anything within their natural interests if they are free from the imposition of others. If they are tied down or confined in any way then the negative aspects of stubbornness and argumentativeness will come out. As children they are not easy to discipline.

Hmmm... I've been thinking of teaching lately, really in a way that would get the students (college - NO kids for me) excited and involved, so maybe yes to the expression? Not too sure about the change - I can be resistant if it rocks my boat too much. Travelling, YES. And yeah - I got licks from my parents every single weekend so - I guess I was a bit of a horror as a kid. Boo.

It is this strong sense of individuality that seeks its own way through life. Their creativity will always find a channel through originality. They desire to be free and work to become their own bosses, independent and self-sufficient. At times they may seem arrogant but their self-confidence and clever minds are often ahead of others. They are not afraid to stand firm in their ideas, but they must learn to give credit to others' thoughts, or they will show a level of intolerance that will not stand them in good stead. If the surname or destiny brings further imbalance, the ensuing frustration can make these people critical, sarcastic and difficult to live with where nothing seems to satisfy them. At these times they can become incessant complainers. They can suffer in the liver and senses of the head.

Yo - this paragraph is pretty off. All I have to say about that.

Now - someone else go do it. HERE.

rl, me, meme, layout

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