Fandom spazz + RL update

Mar 04, 2007 13:40

I'm in love with Kim Heechul. There I've said it. Now I just have to figure out HOW it happened.

I always thought he was wicked - he speaks his mind, he's comfortable with himself, he doesn't let anyone else define him - but I have no idea when I started thinking he was the hottest thing since cheese. But now *drools*.

Was it the haircut? No - that's when I realized I loved him, but it happened before that. SuJu T then? Not exactly. Sometime before I even heard about that...

Ok - so I have no idea when I fell for 'Rella , but I have and I'm quite ok with that. He's adorable, outspoken, a little cracked in the head and totally hot. And i don't even mind that he's so comfortable blurring gender lines (I love Teukkie too and he's in a dress and/or wig more often than not it seems). And he makes it all look so easy.

God - I love that boy. Either that or Hannie needs to be more visible so that i can come to my senses and spazz over him...


In other news, hell week is over THANK GOD. A human bio midterm (worth something like 35% of my ENTIRE grade), and project (7.5%) a bio research paper (9%) and a lab (1.5%) all on the same day! And I had class from 11-4 with only an hour free. By the thursday before i was still losing my mind over TWO lines over the page limit (go over immediate 10% deduction), my human bio was barely typed and I hadnt even begun to study for the midterm. And then at 2am when i finally hit a stride - current gone cuz off the snow storm.

I CRIED. As my granny say: 'ah bang mi belly an bawl.' You have no idea. Luckily it came back 2 minutes later...

One hour of sleep was all I could even afford. And then the snow melts and the travel to school was nasty - I didn't even GO my lab: just handed in my stuff and left. When a 35% midterm comes up against sitting in a lab for 3 precious hours for 1% - I know where my priorities lie.

Luckily - I got in two solid hours of cramming with my friends and my exam had theory coming out its butt. If there had been more stats i would've DIED. As it was i fell asleep over the paper for a good five minutes WTF. And then a migraine set in. I'm still recovering.

So all in all, could've been worse - as it is now, I've got papers to write for Caribbean studies (3) and Anthropology (1) and another Human bio assignment . *is ded*

I think I'm gonna finish one of those fics i have sitting, hmmm.... we'll see.

fandom, rl, me

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