[RL] Grr....

Feb 05, 2007 00:13

My aunt's only been gone one week of four, and already I'm going insane. The constant travel between her house and my cousin's, taking care of cats, taking care of MYSELF, the cold (i think i'm living in Antarctica, not Toronto) - t'will be the death of me.

And cant forget the sporadic, iffy access to internet. I wanna use my food money to buy a wireless router, an mp3 player and a new pair of jeans. Unfortunately I can't - i gotta eat after all. I'll consider it in two weeks when my aunt's about  to return *wants some sexxay booty-poppin jeans. yum*.

I haven't gotten word about the job yet *emo*. A friend in the registrar's office says they haven't made a decision, but still - I wanna know (makes me think of a throwback Joe tune). I want MONEY. I need it. Unfortunately I refuse to work in Wal-Mart, or McDonalds. NO. I'll go poor first... Ok, maybe not.

And sadly - no time to work on ANY JaeHo *emos again*. When I get a spare minute, I wanna redo Jae's birthday fic. Im NEVER posting something I cracked out in 2 hours again. It needs serious work *hits Yunho over head with mallet*. Totally displeased with it. The idea was love, but th execution was flawed. I actually FORGOT parts. *sigh*. Back to the drawing board.

And i plan on writing Hyejun (from How to save a life)'s story. I absolutely love him. He was only a plot device, but he evolved so much, and simply grew to fill the entire story. I wanna work out his life, his story, why he is who he is. It wont be my first foray into original stories - might actually post some of my stuff here, who knows - but it will be the first with a fully original character. Usually I write about people I know. Hyejun is fully stepping out of that comfort zone and I love it.

So FList - I miss y'all. How goes it?

rl, me

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