(no subject)

Nov 04, 2007 13:09

When I was seven or eight years old, my dad asked my sister and I serious, but joking question:
    Daddy: What do you want to be when you grow up?
Now, my sister didn't know - she wanted to be a preacher on Sunday, a lawyer during the week and a doctor at night. But I smiled brightly, sat forward in my seat (we were in our old bus, going to the Factory after school) and said, 'I'm going to be a doctor!'

And no one's ever let me forget it.

Then, i wanted to be a doctor because doctors got to work with blood. I was a bit of a TV buff (before mommy's 'no TV except at Christmas and sumer vacation!' ban from age 10-ish to 15) and I'd always see doctors stitching people up or cutting them apart and I thought it was the coolest thing ever.

Then, at some point i realized that no, blood was not all that and a bag of chips, and I decided to be a doctor because I wanted to be rich.

I  was in my reading phase - well, i've always read everything from encyclopedias (read off all of 'J' because it had Japan!) and the dictionary, to food packaging and old posters on buildings. I was into trashy novels then, in high school - Harlequin romances with hot-blooded men and fiesty women - and there was always some rich as heck specialist who was being flown to help someone with a rare disease. At 13, I thought it was the sweetest deal - hot man and tons of money? Sign me up.

But then came the revelation - doctors are in school forever.

At this point I was reconsidering the 'doctor' thing. Tons of money didn't mean much to me if I wasn't going to be making it before I was over the hill at 30 and none of those hot men would be looking for me. But, my father was going around telling everyone who listened that I was going to be the 'best doctor ever' and my granny was being all 'hmm - i hope you'll take care of me before I get too old!'. And, being the more or less 'good' daughter I was, i wasn't about to disappoint anyone.

But, I'd realized being a doctor wasn't for me. Not because of the schooling or the blood. I realized I couldn't cope with being directly responsible for someone else's life. The idea of death, of someone dying because I'd made a simple mistake or because I was just too late, or because I could never have helped in the first place scared me to bits.

And that's when I realized - I still wanted to be n Medicine - not for the money or fame or plane trips - but because I wanted to help.

When I was... 16, maybe 17 my best friend had minor surgery and I went to the hospital with her. I stayed all day - skipped all my classes, although I'd promised my parents I'd leave when she went into Recovery. I stayed until the very end of the day when my parents came to pick me up. And i realized - while I could never handle being hands on with sickness and pain every day, I wanted to somehow, some way help people.

And in 2004, I watched 'Something the Lord Made' on HBO, starring Alan Rickman and Mos Def. Something about that movie that story, inspired me. I think that was the first time I realized I wanted to do research.

I came to the University of Toronto, still very unsure of what I was going to be doing. I took every science (except physics which i just don't get) and i kept my eye out for that perfect field for me. I knew I wasn't going to Medical school no way (but I hadn't told my parents yet).

Then, in my final biochemistry lecture (a second year course i was eligible for with my 1st year chem credit) Prof. Baker - who'd already gotten me fired up and interested with his lectures - told the story of the discovery of insulin just across the campus from where we sat.

It was like gates opened. I knew what i wanted to do, and for the first time in forever i was excited about science again. I applied for and was accepted to the Biochemistry major program and I'm on my way now.

Sometimes it gets really hard and i think 'God, what the fuck am I doing?'. I keep thinking I wont make it, or maybe I'll just turn fully to Cultural Anthropology (another love I found in first year), or maybe I'll cross over completely to literature (my comfort since i was little). But then, I'll watch an interview about advancements in Autism and how much research there is left to do and I'll think 'I can do this, I want to do this.'

... Or, I'll start 1 Litre of Tears and know I'm going to be bawling before it ends and just keep thinking 'I want to help; I wish I could help'.

And I will.

(I should mention - when i told my dad i'd changed my mind, he got so gung-ho he's planned the next 10 years out for me and has banned me from returning home because we have no research facilities. Jury's still out on that one.


So yeah, all that was inspired by the 1st episode of 1 litre of tears, and omfg, I can just tell this is going to kill me. I mean - i was all teary when Kame was leaving in Nobuta (shut up i was on my period ok?) And i got choked up in the last ep of Hanadan and Kurosagi (i did not cry then!) SO this'll do me in for sure. Especially If Ryo tears up - i wont be able to take it.

Sorry for being so sentimental, I've had 'Ai Nante' on repeat since yesterday, god.

... Shutting up now.

omg tears, this is what i want, inpsiration and epiphany

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