It's really saying something when "McCain-Wurzelbacher" sounds like a better ticket than "McCain-Palin."
Sure, Joe the Plumber may be a
tax-neglecting, unlicensed, anti-union,
closet racist, registered
Republican pretending to be independent, who's willing to be used as a stalking horse...but at least he can complete a sentence and form a coherent question.
Can the bar be any lower?
And for all those on the right claiming that Joe is being "slimed:" Please. It's the 21st Century. Everyone can Google, and Lexis-Nexis is readily available to anyone willing to pony up the cost.
If Mr. Wurzelbacher didn't think to put his affairs in order before launchig himself into the campaign scrum, that's his own damn problem. Just like it'll be my own damn problem if I ever try a stunt like that.
All those conservative talk radio and Fox News types who raised Joe up and made him their "common man champion" to stand against Obama should be VERY grateful he didn't turn out to have outstanding warrants or a felony record.