[fic] Situations

Feb 08, 2009 18:44

Title: Situations
Author: emotionalspazz
Rating: Mature
Pairings: Riku/Sora
Summary: A boy can learn a lot in an hour, from the power his Keyblade held to the power of the opposite sex.
Notes/Warnings: This is a very old lemon-thing that I wrote to fill a prompt on the Kingdom Hearts kink meme. I haven't looked at it or beta'd it, as a warning.


Riku let the Way to Dawn disappear from his hand, putting his hand his throbbing head. He ached all over, not to mention that while he and Sora had been practicing with their Keyblades, a blast and an explosion of light had resulted after a particularly odd strike had knocked both of them flat on their backs in the sand.

He slowly propped himself up on his elbow, noticing that his pants felt looser and his shirt felt tighter.

"Whoa, Riku..."

The voice was familiar but a little too high for the person Riku thought it would be. Still, he looked up and his guess was right -- it was Sora. Sora, however, looked a little rounder, his hair wasn't as wild and he had... breasts.

"Sora, where did your BOOBS come from?" Riku noticed that his voice had a... softer touch to it.

"Well, I was just about to ask you that!" Sora said, averting his eyes sheepishly before they slid back to look at Riku's chest. "I mean, only girls have boobs so --"

"Sora." Riku said flatly to bring the brunette back to reality.

Both of them were silent for a moment before they hastily unzipped their pairs of pants and took a peek into their boxers.

"What!" Riku cried. "What did you do, Sora?!"

"No!" Sora wailed. "Aw, Sasuke is GONE!"

Riku raised an eyebrow at his-- her friend. "Sasuke?"

"Uh, yeah, it means 'helpful' in Japanese," Sora said as if it were obvious.

"But you named your penis."

"Whatever!" Sora sighed, throwing her hands up in the air before they fell into the moist sand. "Your boobs are HUGE."

Sora reached out and scooped up her friend's breasts, inspecting them with her hands, feeling them. Riku inhaled sharply, slapping away Sora's hands.

"Stop that!" she sighed. "We're not supposed to be GIRLS, Sora. We should be finding a way to fix this."

"But Rikuuuuuu," Sora whined. "This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. We'll never know what it feels like to be girls again. Can't we experiment or something?"

Before Riku got a chance to answer, Sora crawled over and began playing with her breasts again, snaking one hand under her shirt to feel the warm, soft skin where hard pectorals once were. The silverette let out a small "ah!" at the strange but pleasurable feeling as warmth pooled in the pit of her stomach.

"Is that a yes?"

"Well... I'm kind of curious too."

"Cool!" Sora grinned, the corners of her mouth pressing against newly chubby cheeks.

She lifted Riku's shirt off, pausing at the sight. Of course she wasn't wearing a bra, but... well.

"Yours are bigger than mine," she said at last. "And you're still all... muscular..."

Sora's hand wandered to Riku's waist, feeling the firmness of the abdominal muscles underneath. She ran her hands there, relishing the smooth skin and the way Riku suddenly shifted a little.

"What?" Sora asked.

"My di-- my co-- my pe--" Riku sighed in frustration; she refused to admit out loud that she had a vagina. "It feels weird down there."

"What, like warm or whatever?" Sora began to fondle Riku's boobs again, occasionally rolling her fingers around the nipples.

"Y-yeah..." Riku grunted, squirming a bit under the unfamiliar but nice feeling.

"Can I see?" the brunette asked hopefully as she crawled onto Riku's lap, but stopping where the zipper of her pants was.

"You're still fully dressed," the older teen responded. "I'm curious too, you know."

Riku pulled off Sora's shirt, exposing more of her tanned skin. Apparently, as a girl, Sora's metabolism did not work as quickly.

"So that's where all the food you eat goes," Riku said at last.

"Hey!" the blue-eyed bo--girl pouted.

"Your lip is plumper, too," Riku commented, slightly ignoring her.

The taller girl leaned in and locked her mouth around Sora's pouty lower lip, licking it and sucking on it and making the brunette gasp a little. Sora pressed her top lip over Riku's and began licking that, reciprocating the weird way of kissing.

Riku let her hands roam along Sora's new curves gently, admiring how she had just the right layer of softness but not flabbiness and how her skin was even softer now that she was female. Her left hand cupped and stroked Sora's breast, her right hand felt and journeyed along her lower stomach, which was quivering slightly from the touch. She ran a finger down the brunette's lower back, making her arch forward and whine a little.

They needed air, and so they parted, panting. It was hardly about 'knowing what it felt like' anymore; now both Riku and Sora were propelled by full-blown lust as they pulled off their own pants and boxers, now with no protection from the wet sand and the advancing tide of the shore.

Sora and Riku stopped to stare at each others female bodies, with Riku's being slim and busty and Sora's being... well, a body you'd see in a Dove lotion commercial.

The brunette reached over and placed a hand on Riku tentatively.

"Er --"

"It's all warm," she commented, the emotion she was trying to convey unclear. "It's all wet, too, and --"

Sora cut herself off, abruptly pressing the tips of her fingers into Riku, and she gasped, her legs opening on reflex. Quickly, Sora threw herself down onto her stomach in between Riku's legs, the rising water brushing against her now sandy boobs, pulled out her fingers and slowly pressed the tip of her tongue onto Riku's clit. Riku groaned, throwing her head back as Sora's warm, wet tongue tantalized that sensitive bundle of nerves.

"Wow," Sora chucked, her breath hitting Riku's slit. "I don't even need my dick to make you squirm like that."

"Shut up," Riku moaned. "And don't stop."

While Sora complied, Riku leaned over her, trying to pull her up onto her knees while keeping her mouth at her clit. Her efforts were shaky from the pleasure, the brown spikes that tickled her boobs, and her hands being wet from the ocean water, but eventually she managed to get Sora's butt up in the air just enough for Riku to be able to reach around and put her fingers into her friend.

As Riku's finger slid into the brunette, Sora shivered, gasping, and his thighs quivered with the effort of keeping himself in that weird position. There was an audible squelching as Riku added a second finger and began to thrust her hand in and out of her friend's slit. Following her friend's lead, Sora shoved her tongue into Riku, moving it around inside of her, tasting the hot, sweet juices within.

Sora tried to keep her concentration, as Riku tried to keep hers. The brunette grazed her teeth over Riku's clit, and Riku bent her wrist to press her thumb onto Sora's while she thrust her middle and index fingers in and out. Sora let her plump lips graze Riku's vaginal lips as she scraped the inner walls of Riku with her tongue, and Riku reached her other hand around and placed two more fingers into Sora, earning a loud moan from the brunette.

The pressure built in both of their groins, swollen and dripping from the stimulation, growing hotter and hotter. Sora felt her knees give way under her as spasms began to wrack her vulva and waves of pleasure shot up and down her spine. Riku came afterwards, becoming even wetter from that and dripping some into Sora's mouth as a result.

Panting, Sora rose into a sitting position, each movement creating splashes from the ocean that had risen up the shore. Riku leaned back on her hands, trying to catch their breath. The silence was permeated with their pants as well as the waves of water inching around their bodies little by little, the tide rising like it was supposed to around sunset.

"Sora?" Riku said, breaking the silence.

"Uh huh?"

"We need to appreciate girls more."

The brunette placed a finger near her lip, thinking for a moment.

"When we fix this, wanna invite Kairi over sometime?"


fic: kingdom hearts, kink meme, riku, sora

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