Home, Health

May 29, 2014 12:05

Brookside project made a little progress over the past week; retaining wall is slightly higher, more plant matter dropped into the space.

Reviewed future grove space with L; going to try to level it and put in stone to walk on, with bushes at the gates. We have various bushes that need to go in the ground, and I have a tendency to buy things in pairs. Tentatively planning on holly in the north, hazelnut in the west, gooseberry in the south, and currant in the east.

Raised bed by milkhouse foundation is progressing. Meantime, the two tomato plants I have so far are in pots on the patio.

Dug up a few things in front of the barn -- some onions that I didn't know had survived and divided over the winter, and one of the Lady's Mantle. All in pots, at least for now. We decided to put one of the greenhouses on the western half of the barn's south face, so I'm digging up the smaller plants in that area -- L gets to dig out the lilac ;)

L has been doing lots of mowing, whenever the weather allows. Brush and a couple small trees trimmed back by the river, etc.


Still working on fabric flowers, washed and dried some fabric, doing some cleaning/reorganizing, and finally hung a fabric hanging in the dining room.


Health thing is that I got a tick bite this week. L got most of it a couple days ago but missed the head so it's a little infected. PRN at the doctor's office got the rest today. Will be picking up doxycyclin later today, and running a longer course than usual, because of the reaction. Other than that, doing fine!

home, health, life

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