Jul 12, 2011 11:33
As announced at the business meeting last night and now on the Bergental discussion list, pending finding our successors Lyle and I will be stepping down as Baron and Baroness of Bergental.
Candidates may submit their letter of intent to Bergental's seneschal, Lady Emma MacMinn, until November 1, 2011. Entire process, assuming all goes smoothly*, expected to take about a year.
*Smoothly depends on things like if we get our mailing labels the first time we request them, not the second or third time..... also on when investiture can be scheduled. Last time was at Pennsic, despite our effort to schedule months ahead of time. We don't want an away-investiture again -- a lot of our folks can't make it to Pennsic or other faraway places, and having an after-party just isn't the same.
No, this is not related to the new curia ruling. We've had a good run and are ready to take a break and let someone else do this.