Feb 16, 2011 10:08
(1) So, it looks like I'll be teaching a textile class. Oy. Not being an expert by any stretch of the imagination, this should be entertaining...
I'm not even sure how to write up the class description so that it sounds interesting, but I'd best get to it!
I'll have examples of various fabrics, and discuss the basic properties of different materials. MizPagan suggested I include a bit of history of textiles in the SCA, so I'll likely do that. I will NOT be doing a detailed timeline of when each material was used in each country SCAdians commonly make clothing and accessories for, but I'll mention some examples. Seriously, one could do a class just on cotton, in that case, and yes, it could take an hour to do that.
I will not be going into deep detail on things like appropriate patterns, although I'll probably bring some exemplars for that as well. The one thing I want to help folks avoid is buying upholstery fabric with a rubberized or other type of backing that keeps the fabric from breathing.
Ah, and I should include a handout that lists some useful fabric web sites, like fabric-store.com, fabrics.com, denverfabrics.com...
(2) Fitzw is teaching a song class this year. Period rounds, easy enough to learn, and I'll be one of the 'shills' in class, for when we break up into parts. One of our baronial folks has been after more music that everyone can sing, so Concentus only has a couple of choral pieces for this event -- for the rest we'll be singing rounds at feast, with the choir breaking up to help each of the sections of tables.
textile class,
novice schola