So for my birthday this year I walked away with 3 PS3 games!!! I asked my parents for Resident Evil 5 and a Dual Shock 3 control pad (as I only had the regular 6 Axis one and I have missed the added element the vibration brings of the gameplay). My mother's parents then gave me a $100 note that I spent at JB Hifi on two second hand games. Dead Space & Condemned 2.
I have played RE5 heaps. I hired it for about a week months ago. Also when I bought it (tradition in my family when it comes to gifts is that we tend to buy our own and then get refunded so that we get exactly what we want) it wasn't sealed, so I was able to play it before handing it over to my mother for wrapping. I played it heaps while Jo was down south helping her parent's move and as it stands I only have to complete 1 level on the Professional difficulty to have finished all the levels on all difficulties. Though to get all the Trophies I need to buy the downloadable expansion pack...... GAH!!!! No credit card.... Though my brother has offered to lend me his so if I'm desperate, I can get it.
I only got the second hand games a few days ago. I've played Condemned 2 a little, but most of my focus has been on Dead Space. It's been reminding me of Silent Hill an many ways. Mainly because it actually makes me jump at times. Even though the game is 3rd person, the aiming system controls more like a FPS. Much more than RE5 does. When I started playing I thought this would be a problem because over the years I have sworn that FPS belong purely on PC due to the lack of control when it comes to aiming. I still feel that this is the case, but I have become a lot better with using the control pad to target. I think that RE5 helped with this "evolution". There are moments when it's annoying. Especially fast targetting on a fast moving creature. I use a trackball on my PC and I find it so accurate.
Anyway, I've played Dead Space quite a bit and I've been loving it! Despite the controller issues.
Dead Space is a great game. It does have it's issues though. The story line is predictable. I saw the ending coming pretty much from the start. The "Boss" fights were easy. Especially the final one. Having used a hell of a lot of Health Packs on the beginning stages of the last level, I then used none on the final fight. In fact I only got hit once and it was by a spawn, not the boss. Though I think this tends to be the issue with games today. The final boss tends to be big, pretty and scary looking, but not much of a challenge.
I completed Dead Space for the first time last night on the Normal setting. I only used 3 weapons though out the whole game and I discovered that I had spent my upgrade points stupidly. I fully upgraded the Plasma Cutter and then discovered I should have put points into my armour to up my HP. I thought it would only be a small increase, but then again I always tend to focus on offense rather than defence when it comes to games.
It's going to take me a while to get the Trophies. Completing the highest difficulty level while take ages. With RE5 your bonuses carry over to all difficulty levels. If I were to start a new game on Dead Space, it starts from scratch. If you Start from a Completed Game save THEN you get all the gear you had acquired. So my idea of finishing Normal and then taking on Easy with all my gear I had acquired was failed. I wanted to get the Trophies for getting all the equipment upgrades. Looks like I'll just have to do it on Normal. There's also a trophy for completing the game by only using the Plasma Cutter. I'm attempting this on the rehashed Normal save, but I may have to try this on the Easy setting. Currently on 49% of the Trophies. Will be a while before I get more because I'll be putting the focus into trying to complete the game just using the Plasma Cutter. You can get a Trophy for each weapon by killing 30 enemies with said given weapon.
Haven't played much of Condemned 2. Focus has been on Dead Space. No Trophies for Condemned 2 though..... I like having the trophies. It's the "Look at me!!!!" school of gaming! :P
I also want to get my hands on Prototype. The vid Jason posted a few days back has made me yearn to play it.
Also if anyone has a PS3 and is using the PS Network, my username is HelvaTion. Feel free to throw an add my way.
Enough ranting. Back to gaming!!!!!!