Nov 12, 2010 19:13
1, 2, 3...
Because way back when I was merely lurking fannishly and intended to use my LJ as an actual journal, I told my Facebook to use the public entries as a feed. And it wasn't until the whole LJ-Facebook Connection brouhaha that I remembered that my now-fannish content would be showing up on Facebook, too!
Aargh! Needless to say, it's taken me until this week to work out how I connected it up, and consequently how to disconnect the feed. Hence the testing: this shouldn't turn up on Facebook. If it does, I've got more work to do! :(
ETA: It's worked! Yay! My fannish life and RL are definitively not linked any more! *wipes sweat off brow* Phew!
i am made of fail