I decided my next foray into pod-ficcing was going to be episode tags - and
selenak and
shiny_starlight were good enough to let me use their fic (in fact, I have a slightly proprietary interest in Secrets at Dawn, as it's the first
help_haiti fic I won *g*). My next project *grins wryly* is six more of
selenak's character exploration fics, in order to put together a matched set (ETA: now named Florilegium).
Anyhow, here are my newest podfics:
helva2260Pairing: Gen
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Spoilers up to 2.08 (Sins of the Father). Morgana and Gwen have a conversation in the wake of Morgause’s victory. Unfortunately, they talk about two very different things.
Permanent Links:
mp3 (14min 11secs; 13.2MB)
mp3 without music (13min 26secs; 12.5MB)
m4b audiobook (14min 11secs; 15.6MB)
m4b audiobook without music (13min 26secs; 7.49MB)
Secrets at DawnAuthor:
helva2260Pairing: Merlin/Arthur (Pre-slash)
Rating: PG
Summary: Spoilers up to 2.11 (The Witch's Quickening). When Arthur wakes up and realises that Merlin has dropped the Crystal of Neahtid, he is not amused.
Permanent Links:
mp3 (16min 11secs; 15MB)
mp3 without music (12min 10secs; 11.3MB)
m4b audiobook (16min 11secs; 17.9MB)
m4b audiobook without music (12min 10secs; 6.78MB)
X-posted to
ETA (11th August): now also posted to