My second and final offering for the Podfic Big Bang this year, is an excellent Freya/Gwen story,
The Shoemaker by
fleete (NC-17). It was podficced by the equally excellent
jelazakazone, betaed by
kalakirya, and can be downloaded at
Dreamwidth or
I made several covers, but in the end this was the one chosen for the podbook:
And for interest's sake, the other cover variants:
Resource credits:
* Gwen's picture along with the shots of Arthur's boat and the Lake of Avalon came from
Merlin's Keep - they are a brilliantly reliable resource, and I can't rec them enough! The photos of course belong primarily to the BBC and its production partners on the show.
* Freya's picture came from
Snowasian's post, but I'm afraid I've no idea where she got it from or who to credit the photo to.
* The beautifully atmospheric cobbler's bench photo is the property of
Armando J. Heredia.
* The Edwardian-style wallpaper was taken from Twiggy's collection
here (although the Duck Egg blue version doesn't seem to be on the site any more, so I've linked the purple version!).
* And last but not least, the fonts!
Fortunaschwein was created by anke-art, and
Trinigan FG was created by Andreas Höfeld.