Hello There, The Angel From My Nightmare

Aug 02, 2005 22:08

Hey ::yawwwwwwwwwwwwwwns:: im so tired and sore. I love acting camp tho. We do yoga everyday. Today we had 2 stare another person in the eyes and just look them in the eyes for 5 min. , as easy as it sounds it was so scary and the first person i was partnered up with was a guy, he look like a soldier, and was four years older than me so i felt like an idiot staring into his eyes even tho he was staring me in the eyes to. Wow that was interesting. i had alot of fun 2day. Every 1 had 2 do cartwheels in front of every1 and i had the "best" cart wheel, I was so proud of myself...lmao. To finnish up the acting class we did this thing where we were just laying on the ground and was listening to our director saying some things 2 help us relax, it made you feel like you were floating!!! it was freaky! wow After camp i went and got ice cream cuz it was so HOTT!!!!! and now im just sitting here bored, tired, and sore... Im gonna go talk 2 Gare now...he makes me feel so special...:-)
*Nicole Julia
(we also had 2 sit w/ plaster covering our WHOLE face today at camp, we r making these mask thingys, it was so weird/cool feeling!)
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