lost somewhere between now and then (The Flash, Joe West/Mama West)

Oct 09, 2015 19:51

Long time, no update!

Will do life stuff soon, until then, fic! For The Flash Big Bang...

Title : lost somewhere between now and then
Author: helsinkibaby
Pairing: Joe West/Mama West
Rating: M
Warnings : None
Word Count: 13618
Summary :  Now... The Flash and his companions stand on the roof of STAR Labs, staring at the singularity when, suddenly, a ship emerges, bringing with it one stranger and one person who's very much not a stranger.

Then... In the woods outside Central City, a ship from the far future landed and a young woman emerged. When the ship disappeared and left her stranded in the late 1980s, she resolved to remember her training, stay off the grid and above all, don't do anything to change the timeline.

It all went well until she met a certain police officer and fell in love.

Link to AO3 - http://archiveofourown.org/works/4963756
Link to Art - forthcoming!

fic: the flash

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