Ship rambling...

Oct 15, 2014 22:49

So in response to the ask me about my ships meme, shallowness asked-

Is there a type of ship that you've got more into over the past few years, or do your tastes remain more or less the same?

I had to think about this because over the last few years my tv watching has declined, my computer time has declined so I was trying to think of what I have actually shipped over the last few years! And in general, I have to say that I do have a type, and that my type has pretty well not changed over the last few's been pretty constant.

I tend to ship the two people who generally fandom would not put together. They are usually more minor characters, or at the very least one character more marginal than the other. The ships that don't get a lot of love, they are usually mine.

Over the last few years, there's been Nate/Kensi from NCIS Los Angeles, Mike/Debra from The Following, Frank/Jenny from Sleepy Hollow is my new crack but while there seems to be shippers (including Orlando Jones himself if his twitter is anything to go by!) there isn't much in the way of fic.

Hawaii Five-0, there is Danny/Kono, 'nuff said, but also Steve/Catherine which actually goes to show that sometimes you are better off shipping the uncanon stuff , because let a show runner at your babies and they will totally eff it up. Example the second, Warehouse 13 where Pete and Myka did get together but in the literal dying minutes of the show in a hamfisted storyline that was horrifically shortened when SyFy, damn their eyes, made the final season not 20 episodes like the previous one, not 13 like the others, but 6 episodes long. I think the writers had ten episodes broken when that word came down so the rewrites came thick and fast and while I liked some aspects of it, yeah, just too rushed especially from Myka's point of view. (anyone who tells me Pete has not been in love with Myka for years, I can refute that, I can do it with evidence to back me up and I will never agree with you.)

For The Mentalist, I have written Cho/Van Pelt but in my head I have a whole AU twisty turning plotty thing that is Cho/Lisbon and I want someone who is not me to write it so it will be amazing.

Matt/Alesha from Law and Order UK is possibly the exception as a ship that does get a lot of love but it's in a small fandom, so it's still a small amount of love compared to some of the bigger ships.

Shallowness, did I even come close to answering your question?!


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