maggis - it's your turn!
Title: Meaning
Fandom: Stargate SG1
Pairing: Sam/Daniel
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Sacrifices
Notes: For Mags, who wanted to know what was behind all the touching in the above episode. I think her exact words were “There’s got to be reasons for that!” *ahem*
Meaning )
Unlike dear maggis, I do not like the Sam/Pete, but it is better than the S/J anyday (I hold up Gemini as a nauseating example.
Still, Sam and Daniel have a thing. And if Sacrifices didn't just reinforce than for me for the hundreth time.
Great stuff, hon. Love you.
And how can you not like Pete???? He's a DeLuise fer cryin' out loud!
Ah. See, I'm a ship slut, so I'm good!
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