In true Helsha fashion...

Jun 07, 2006 14:16

Damnit! I leave tomorrow!
*starts unpacking and repacking*
Gah! When did I accumulate so much crap?!?
Damnit what the hell should I bring?!?
Fuck this shit. I'm gonna go finally drink the Graduation Champagne I bought for myself last year.

I'm waiting with bated breath for Wagner's response. I'm not sure if stressing over that is more or less effective than stressing over how much of a screw-up I'll be at Monmouth.

I'm so excited to have access to good beer again.

Just a reminder, I'll be in NoHo tomorrow. If you want to catch me, give me a call.
Friday my schedule is more dicey as I need to be in Maine by like 3 in order to catch Emily, and then dinner at Monmouth I guess around 5 then I start working. Oh crap... there's that terror again... right... champagne, the anti-stress. Later folks.
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