Home Streatch

Apr 09, 2006 02:22

Prepairing to get bitch slapped with homework & papers and whatnot.
The Dance Concert closed tonight. My first like, for realsy lighting design. It was a painful process. Hopefully I'll be able to get some pictures from the dance department.
A Doll House is finishing up focusing in uh, ten hours. *bangs head on desk* I've only been home for like two and a half hours, which is when I left the theatre building which I had been in since 9:30am.
I've been in the theatre working every night and day since March 27th. And I mean EVERY day, and I do mean WORKING every fucking day. If I were keeping track of my hours anymore I'd cry. Because I don't get paid by the hour anymore. I only get paid for 16 hours a week. Everything else is credit hours. Holy hells batman.
I have to read a textbook by Thursday.
I have a paper due on the 17th.
I have a progress report on my final paper for Holly Derr due sometime this week.
I have a list somewhere of shit I'm supposed to accomplish. However, I drop my backpack at the door once I get into my room and I'm too lazy to stand up and get the bag. *grumbles*
I still haven't unpacked from Spring break.
My neck is still spasming.
I have a production meeting for Family Album sometime this week.
Oh right, and I should probably start talking to directors about Sound for the One Acts.
Jena Baxter said I was intimidating. I take this as a great compliment... but I really need to work on this.
I have some jobs interviews for summer work set up for this coming week *knocks on wood* there are still a few more applications I want to send out though too.
Chapin's Senior Banquet is the 27th, which means I have to find my way home some time befor that to pick up senior wills stuff.
I think I'm going to bed now. I'd like more than three hours of sleep for a change.
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