All These Things I've Done

Mar 05, 2006 14:04

I decided I wanted to remember all the shit I've done at Smith. I feel like this isn't totally comprehensive. I might come back in and bullet all the shit I did for the larger organizations. But this is it for now. If you remember something I did that I don't, remind me. And naturally all this doens't include anything done outside of Smith (like I-Con stuff)

First Year:
Performed in "Celebration of Sisterhood"
Diversity Board Co-Chair
Disability Van Driver
ID Checker
Smith TV grunt, tried to start the soap opera
ConBust I, General Bitch #2
Anti-War Group
Philosophy Club - Attended a few meetings and such
Alt Alliance
Quad Riot
Postcard Drive House Rep
Phone-a-thon (Thank-a-thon)
Briefly Involved with Kink Group
Italian Club
The Syndicate

Res life - HCA
Vox Co-Founder/ March for Women's Lives
Smith TV head honcho
Peer Sex Educators
Assoc Smith Pagans
ConBust II Grand Bitch Extraordinaire
Sophian Staff Writer
Committee on Community for Dining Services
Entrepenuirship - WFI Course
ID Checker
"Take Smith Home"
Rally Day Banner
Brought Motivational Speaker to Campus Video Taped it... have it stored somewhere. Oddly enough.
Edited "Equus" performance tape

Social Chair
Vox - Head Honcho for half the year
Smith TV - Head Honcho
ASP - Treasuerer/Web Master
Sophian Writer
ConBust - Panel's Chair
Wailing Banshees
Volunteer at Blood Drive
Astro Open Houses
Junior Usher
Ask Sophie
Designed/Ordered House T's
Pumpkin Carving Contest

Technical Intern
Sophian Writer
Smith TV Treasuerer
ID Checker
Wailing Banshees
Vox Web Master
ASP Web Master
House Pres - Retired
Landscaping Stuff for lady in town
"Mixed Metaphors"

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