I have a Christmas gift from a friend that came with the instruction to buy a new Takarazuka DVD. (Oh, the horror! he he) So: recommendations? I like (and have) all the Elizabeths, both Ernst in Love, Singin' in the Rain, Me and My Girl, Black Rose of the Desert, Dark Brown Eyes, Excalibur, Gu Bigin, Hoshigage no Hito, Legend Ver. II., Zorro, ... a
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You should really get El Halcon it is a good show.
Elisabeth seems to be the gate way drug for many takafans,the Yuki 2007 version was the one for me. Legend is great show, I specially liked Ouki Kaname's Hogae so friendly at the begining and so messed up at the end.
This websites helped get the idea of what was going on in Legend http://sevenses.wordpress.com/recap-archive/ and the series http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7hrlxr_q1HI&feature=related
I liked Zorro in all it's campy glory, from a song about Wakan Tanka that really belongs to the plains not to California, the pronuntiation changing form Zorro to Zoro, the weird mariachi hats closer to Oaxacan Costa Chica hats than to mariachi, liberal use of the word Mexican, Spanish. it ws just plain fun wish I could have understoond what the villians were plotting regarding France. I also fell in love with Nishiki-e.
Geky Yumiko is one of the best things in the planet in my opinion and the good thing about this show is thaat they went for the love story with abit of how difficult it is to try to leave a nromal life for an immortal instad of OH My God vampires rulezz; but yes the recent blood -suckers are a bit bland to my taste though if you want to read a short but good vampire story I'd recomment Theophile Gautier "La Morte amoreuse"
A year ago on YouTube I found the Chinese series "Monkey" and I was jumping up and down with joy. I adore Monkey. But then someone yanked it for copyright and I was sad. It's difficult drawing the line between abuse and fair use, and doubly frustrating when the goodie is yanked away. Internet is spoiling me.
Yes it is a fine line you wonder am I really stealing this if they never planned to show/sell this in my country?
With zuka I love the clips but not the full shows though I would certainly love if they would release some shows on dvd.
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