"So many different kinds of sparrows!"

Jan 15, 2008 16:34


-I am the one that always picks out and eats all the cashews from mixed-nut tins in the breakroom.

-Start as you mean to go on and all that (ie, lots of yammering about jascott ):
1. HELPWESS: "if you are the kind of friend i think you are, your first post of the new year (?) will be the email i just sent you about pooping."
JASCOTT: "If I ever get married I sort of hope he's an orphan."

2. I got the World's Most Amazing Pursemail (except for amazing pursemails I have sent) from E. the other day. Contents included:
-several soft toffee (?) candies
-packet of sugar
-apple cinnamon tea packet
-pen, sticky notepad, other pariphernalia from the TRI ETHNIC something or other
-MATT DAMON!! with bonus Clooney
-2 pieces of Trident gum
-meta acknowledgement on interior envelope: "YOU ARE SO PLEASED. I AM SO BORED."

-I am lately completely, totally obsessed with Victoria Beckham. While on a series of planes during a hideous weekend away I read That Extra Half An Inch and I'm currently about two-thirds through Learning to Fly. Look, everything you read about her actually being hilarious is true. In Half an Inch she is funny and self-deprecating and witty and spot on about her clothing advice; in Learning to Fly she's funny and self-deprecating but also really candid and revealing. I love you, Posh! Seriously, I am so so obsessed. I love her.

-A CONVERSATION:MY FRIEND L: "Yeah, I don't know, this guy is kind of nerdy, but nice. Like, I mean, he really loves Battlestar Galactica."
ME: "UH OH!!!!!! ...I can't relate at all. I just watch Stargate Atlantis."
L: "Yeah, I mean, that's a totally acceptable form of nerdery. Like, he leaves the house and stuff."
ME: "Good point."
L: "So is Sam on Stargate Atlantis officially now, or what?"
ME: "THAT'S A VERY REVEALING QUESTION!!!! But the answer is yes."

-It's been so long since I posted and I've had so many posts mentally written and discarded that the posting anxiety became overwhelming! This may be a lame post but at least I am BREAKING THE ICE, people.

confessions, matt damon!!!, hellopoe namechecks

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