"Mum, she's a fashion designer." "She is divorced!"

Apr 20, 2007 12:15

So I'm at that part of the semester when making a list of everything I have to do actually adds to my stress and anxiety, and yet I cannot stop making the list:
-watch 1 test video, take notes
-type up notes of summaries for test videos
-write section of Management paper
-spend time in hancock library observing
-write paper about observations
-finish reference question portfolio
-8 more reviews of journal articles
-final management mental model
-five-year leadership plan
-write final users paper, put together presentation

Anyway, obviously I can't think about this constantly, because my brain will melt, so I am doing what any good grad student would do: stare at pictures, instead.

Oh, oh, wait, first, we have to talk about the Tiers again. Clearly the re-emergence of the Fillion cements his #1 ranking on Tier 1. crimsonclad made me this icon a while back:

and jascott, girl reporter, realized there should probably be an entire series of TIERS ICONS. THINK ABOUT IT. Rosenbaum's would say, "would probably rest his beer on your head." Fillion's should probably say, "wouldn't take advantage of first-tier status," or something. Who else? I don't even know who else is on my first tier, anymore. I think dBor is trying really hard to get there, though. Probably Rodney McKay, too, despite being a fictional creation.

Okay, here is this picture that I had to get crimsonclad to steal off Whatsisnuts Mallozzi's blog (someone should really get Momoa and the Flan to start blogs-- I mean, wait, just Momoa, how could I forget the Flan already HAS a blog) that she classified as "wry," and to which I am adding, "this is going on the internet, isn't it."



How much do you want to bet there is TEA in that metrosexual mug? That's all I can bring myself to say about this picture at this point.

2. This is pretty much why I didn't get to work until 11:15 yesterday.

3. File under: Places I long to be

My mother is too busy for me to go visit her when the semester is over. I am going to go drown myself now.

picspam, watso my sockso, hellopoe namechecks, confessions, crimsonclad namechecks, pie, fillion, dc, learning to be a library, gays in space, dbor

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