everyone's talkin' about the future! everyone's fucking afraid of it!

Mar 19, 2007 11:02

1. I was away for a week in the mountains of north Georgia and I did no schoolwork whatsoever and it was FABULOUS, my friends, fabulous.

2. Cities we pass between Austin and north Geo. that always make us laugh:

3. Noise my dog most frequently makes at home: cry cry cry
Noise my dog most frequently made during our trip: jingle-thump

4. Apparently Veronica Mars fandom's glorious final implosion began while I was gone. Carry on, you jokers, with your madcap adventures! What will they think of next! Relatedly, I did fully join grave_watchers, because I think it's funny. I know my flist is pretty much all awesome people who feel the same way I do, or at least, if you don't, you're classy enough to not get all entitled up in my shit, and for that, I thank you, flist! You know what I value most in this world, or at least, in my Top Five of Things I Value, is CLASS.

5. Speaking of CLASSY!
ETA: Oh noes! The post is locked now. Well, in case you missed it, what I was linking to was spectralbovine saying, in reference to ww1614 and depudor, something along the lines of "Christ, I fucking hate those two." Two snaps for class!

Dear Jason Bateman and Arrested Development,
I am very sorry to have been so late to this train. You are scorchingly hot and brilliantly funny, respectively. I have renamed my iPod, "a magician named GOB."
Mama H.

7. In the past three nights I have dreamed about:
-Christian Bale (he asked me about my running shoes)
-Luke Wilson (putting the moves on me at a party in a serious way)

8. the_oscar_cat wrote me fic!!! This is the most perfect ChrisnJen story ever, and exactly what I wanted, FOR REALS. And, I redid my journal in minimalist format, and revamped my icons a bit, and WHAT IS UP, FLIST? I HAVE BEEN GONE A WHILE. COME BE AWESOME UP IN HERE.

that boring asshole senator, watso my sockso, vmars, fic talk

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