Is that Kona?

Jan 29, 2007 13:46

A long time ago I cut the feet and waistband off of these tights to make them more comfortable. As a result, they are def. comfortable, but also kind of way past comfortable back around to uncomfortable, because instead of just cutting two vertical cuts down from the top, I cut, say, three inchess off the top, such that now I have to tug up the whole tights-and-underpants contraption every 10 or so steps. Why I didn't forsee this and put the tights on first this morning, and then put stable underpants on top of them, is beyond me, but I didn't, and now I have to figure out some system by which I can safely walk across campus without my crotchal garments ending up halfway down my thighs, and the answer may be, remove the tights.

Listen, you guys, I have to talk about something. My feelings about The Continuing Adventures of Ronon Dex, Senior Editor are way, way out of control. I mean, I love this story so much, and I can't talk to crimsonclad about it because she is a crazy person who isn't into the whole Ronon/Sheppard dynamic, and really, I have to get this off my chest.

Selected Reasons I Love Ronon Dex, Senior Editor:
-it makes me depressed about my job, true (why don't I have an office with a door I can close, or a salaried position where I can leave midafternoon because I think I'm going to die, and it's okay), but also it gives me hope that someday I will have a job where maybe I won't have an existence like Ronon's at Atlantis Publishing, but at the very least more job satisfation and a feeling of being valued more
-Ronon in an office job, seriously, tee hee
-coffee, seriously. Coffee is such an important part of my day, and I know that not only am I the only one, I'm totally on the low end of the spectrum as far as that goes, and it's nice to see a story about-but-not-really an office, where coffee plays such an important role. Also, this story opened my eyes to Kona. My god
-sleeping under your desk all afternoon (bonus points for sleeping off a winey business lunch)
-academicish Sheppard! (though still faking it, obvs)
-Sheppard the pathological liar (probably actual canon)
-Ronon and his cat(s)
-Ronon and his mama
-Ronon the rockstar of publishing featuring leather pants, dreads, Sateda (publishing) tattoo, jaded cynicism
-THIS STORY IS REALLY LONG. I just copied it into word to see, you know, just to see if I could get away with printing it, and it's 86 pages (answer: no.)
-all of the emails
TO: John Sheppard
FROM: Ronon Dex
Subject: RE: RE: Saturday

Stacks sent me a really depressing poem. Do you think it's being implied that 30 is the death of life?


TO: Ronon Dex
FROM: John Sheppard
Subject: RE: RE: RE: Saturday

I'm 39, turning 40. Am I dead?


TO: John Sheppard
FROM: Ronon Dex
Subject: RE: RE: RE: RE: Saturday

What is dead? What is life? What is is? What is what?



TO: Ronon Dex
FROM: John Sheppard
Subject: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Saturday


-how Rodney is a somewhat tertiary character, and still no less of a giant force

In conclusion, thanks to this story (I swear lalejandra is not paying me to make this post), I am able to ask myself, "Is that Kona?" and the answer is, "Yes."

crimsonclad namechecks, fic talk, gays in space, mmm coffee

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