Hi folks!
It's not so long since I've posted my last update. I'm suprised myself, because my RL is incredibly busy due to my exams. I've noticed that lately I do everything else, but studying., lol... I study, tho, but I use every little occasion to do something else. Sad part of my lil' habit is that I failed in biology and english phonetics and have only one last try this Wednesday *scared* ... Good for y'all is that I was using any time I could for doing wallies in PS....
Hope you all are fine&hope to talk to y'all more after my exams.
See ya xxx
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1280x800 Name: At the end of our days
Date: January '10
Lyrics: --
Description: Simple episodic wallpaper - episode 4 season 5. I really love all episodes that are going back into the past and this one, although set in the future, was really great,too. J2's performance in the last scene was outstanding and so here comes this wall - nothing special, just simple interception of the last scene.
1280x800 Name: Ghosts of memory
Date: January '10
Lyrics: Tiger Army - Ghosts of memory
Description: This is another Sam- centred wall. Lately I have this feeling when watching Sam that he is 1) struggling with his rage and 2) he's haunted by memories, he thinks everyone around him dies,.. Possibly he blames himself for it all. That's where I was coming from in this piece. Sammy wanna get rid of those ghosts, etc. I've always thought that whole drinking-demon-blood-thing&save-the-world-stop-the-apocalypse-thing was for Sam like a redemption(- that he thought he could be forgiven if he stopped the apocalypse), so he was desperately trying to do his best, willing to do almost anything..... So this is the result. Not exactly what I was going for, but well...
The Vampire diaries
1280x800 Name: Looking for the light
Date: January '10
Lyrics: --
Description: Damon/Elena centred wall. You who watch VD know how it is with Damon. I love this damn bastard. He'd never admit it, but he's a lonely soul, he loved Katherine and now here comes Elena in his way. It's obvious he's got some feeling for her,too. It's all connected with Katherine, but she seems to be -except Stefan-only one who's taken Damon's interest. Damon is twisted, lonely and hungry.... and let's say I've made this wall with -maybe too much- naive picture of Damon looking for some light, looking for someone who'd be by his side.... [of course, he's evil jerk and doesn't need anyone... that's why we love him]
1280x800 Name: Step away
Date: January '10
Lyrics: episode 11, season 1
Description: Ones of you who's been seeing my LJ, know that my walls are not exactly optimistic, but this one could be an exception. TBH, I was a bit disappointed with the last ep - when I saw promo, I thought it'd be much more fun.... BUT I loved the main thought - "Step away from your life for 5 minutes... Your problems are still gonna be there when you get home." -- I wish I could do the same and just hit the road and take few days off. I love Damon&I like Elena...so here's the last wall. ;)
Hope you enjoy them guys!