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Thank you for your generous support of $100.00 to Amnesty International. You have joined over 300,000 members in the United States alone in realizing our common goal to defend human rights and uphold human dignity worldwide.
Here is your transaction ID: 129867735
When human rights crises break out around the world, it is reassuring to know that we can count on your loyal support. Only with contributions such as yours can we ensure that innocent victims of human rights abuses are not abandoned and that perpetrators the world over are brought to justice.
Every day, Amnesty works tirelessly to help women, men and children all over the globe escape torture, unjust imprisonment, ''disappearances'' and even execution. With you, Amnesty can do more than imagine. We can act.
Find out what you can do right now: visit our Online Action Center.
Again, on behalf of the staff and volunteers of Amnesty, my deepest thanks.
Larry Cox
Executive Director
P.S. - Questions about your donation? Please contact our Member Services team by sending an e-mail to aimember@aiusa.org, calling (212) 633-4254 (M-F, 9a-5pm EST) or writing to:
Member Services
Amnesty International USA
5 Penn Plaza
16th Floor
New York, NY 10001
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