Nov 12, 2011 23:18
What ho. [His typical greeting is a little less exuberant than usual.]
I'm sad to say that that I've come to the realization that this Wooster isn't really cut out for this job. It's a dashed tricky thing, wardening, a more convoluted process than making tea even. So the time has come for me to throw in the towel, make a strategic retreat, biff off back to London. You're all the best of fellows and you're all welcome to drop in on my flat if you're ever in the metrop. [Yes, he's including the inmates in this invitation. He's probably never quite caught on that many of them are Bad Peoples.]
Una, you're jolly well the best beazel I've ever been engaged to.
Ana, you're a marvellously clever girl, almost as clever as Jeeves, I'd reckon. I'm sorry I wasn't able to see you graduated. But you're a good egg at heart and I'm sure you'll do it in no time.
Georgie, I've got some things to give you before I go. And I'll try to look you up the next time I'm on the other side of the Atlantic.
Doctor Caesares, I've got something for you, too. You're a well-dressed gentleman, so I think you'll appreciate it.
the admiral doesn't provide a jeeves,
has friend who thought about working,
not a topping cruise