Aug 04, 2004 22:01
I just watched Capturing the Friedmans for the first time, just now. I feel fucked up.
Today was a another schism. In my group of film student friends -the people I hang out with, work with, talk with, laugh with- Evan Dalcher and myself were the only two people who hadn't gotten their thesis film idea. Today, that broke. Evan broke it. We had lunch: he, me, Kari, Wolitzky. He coyly turned to me and said sometime a beer will be in order in the near future, Gilbert, as I will divulge and explain my thesis idea...
Now, let's recap: Phil -yes, Kari -yes, Josh -yes, Mark -yes, everyone else whether I like or dislike them -yes, and now Evan. He even looked like a yes today at lunch.
26 days/almost 25.
what an intensely great feeling, to have your film. to know your film. my friends must all feel like they're in a cyclical orgasmic loop of knowing. just the word knowing makes me feel like the novice writing hugh hefner for advice. my foot hurts for no reason. did you know that?
well i know that. i know things. i know my friends are gearing up for their productions. i know what i smell like. i know that i probably subconsciously rehearsed this tyrade about knowing. i know that there is 25 days left to catch this idea. i know that i'm getting all kinds of ideas -for other projects -for other people -for some reason, though-