Jul 28, 2004 17:29
I began proceedings to quit the lab today, so I can move on to the office Friday. I think Phil is silently mad at me for quitting so abruptly. I don't blame him. It is an irresponsible thing I'm doing and the poor guy is gonna have to pull the Friday night shift by himself. I can always tell when he's quietly mad at me. It's cool, he'll forget about it before 9:30 eastern standard time. I hope.
Before moving on: yesterday I picked up THE FEVER album and it is fucking incredible. The best album I've picked up yet. It's got gothy lyrics and sounds Duran Duran/Psychedelic Furs new wavey and every song on the record is good. It's right up my alley. That's a rarity.
Peculiar, things are, around me lately. Not in a bad way. But curious. I spoke to Tim, whom I don't get the chance to speak to very often yet I see everytime I hang out with Josh and company. He showed me his storyboards for his animation thesis and it's like cut-out cartoons using coffee stained paper and et cetera et cetera, it looked really cool. I envied him in a way, being able to invest pre-pro time into his movie NOW and being able to truly get it vamped up. He looked busy, but happy. And for exactly 24 hours, Ryan has been playing this old ragtime blues record on repeat, yet he hasn't been in the room to hear any of it. The lights are off and this old blues guy's voice is just hovering around my kitchen. I was tempted to turn it off today, but opted to just let him continue haunting Ryan's room. Phil and I were denied by Telluride and both responded to the news in the same way. I don't think either of us really expected it to say 'yes'. Hoping Japan thinks more fondly. The RA is coming onto me stronger than ever so getting that new Laundry card should be a cinch. I have noticed that she resembles a cousin of mine and that makes me feel dirty. I've also been seeing these furry caterpillars all over the place outside. I'd never see one up here before. Only back in a wooded area from my childhood or something. I've also, every night at around 2 am for the past 3 nights, seen the last half of some soft core porn movie where Dolph Lundgren is whipping this woman and trying to burn a curtain at the same time. My mom also thinks that I'm tape recording our phone conversations.
I feel slightly happy on the verge of being bored.