My dear friend
merfilly (Sharpest_Asp on DW) has had some really tough knocks lately.
I've started a Chip-In campaign to help.
Here is some information about what happened, and why Asp needs our help:
After finally getting a reliable vehicle for travel to the job that helps support two households and three children (including non-working father), Asp's car was recently hit and totaled while legally parked on their street by a young driver swerving to avoid squirrels.
Asp's insurance paid off the car, but there is nothing left for another down payment. Asp spent $3000 last year in trade-in, down payment, taxes, and title on a car whose payments would fit the budget. As you can well imagine, Asp does not have any funds to spare right now, nor anything to trade in with the car totaled, and Asp's job requires a reliable car (no public transit at night).
The goal is to raise $3000 for Sharpest_Asp by Thanksgiving (USA) when the car Asp is borrowing will no longer be available.
I'm using the site to promote the donations and keep track of them. The donations are made directly through paypal directly to Asp. The only fee associated are the normal ones paypal collects. Please note: if you leave a note when you contribute, it will list the note on the ChipIn campaign page with the name associated with your paypal account. For privacy reasons, you may wish not to do that. Also, as admin, I am able to see a list of donors and amounts. If you prefer that information to remain private only to Sharpest_Asp, please simply donate via paypal directly to rather than using the ChipIn widget. Asp will let me know totals that come that way so I can adjust the total needed.
I know lots of things go wrong in many folk's lives, and lots of folks need help. Asp has helped so many others, in so many ways. I know that this particular incident, on top of so much else that has happened in the past year, really makes things near impossible. Please consider helping however you can.
Note: the reason the total goal for the campaign is less here is that I've lowered the total needed to reflect donations that came privately to Sharpest_asp and not through the ChipIn campaign. No names were shared with me - just total amount.
Here is the html to use for your own widget - just copy and paste:
Thank you so much for your help!