We just got pwned by Iceland and Belgium.

May 08, 2008 12:16

Top 20 Nations Ranked by Availability of Broadband Service
1) Denmark
2) Netherlands
3) Switzerland
4) Korea
5) Norway
6) Iceland
7) Finland
8) Sweden
9) Canada
10) Belgium
11) United Kingdom
12) Australia
13) France
14) Luxembourg
15) United States
16) Japan
17) Germany
18) Austria
19) Spain
20) New Zealand

(source: OECD Broadband Statistics, June 2007)

Dude! We got beat by Luxembourg! We're so fucking rad.

Seriously, wtf? Maybe it's lack of connections that explains why our Internet service sucks even though we have the top tier package. That or it's because we have DSL. Or because our roommate is jacked into World of Warcraft like it was the freakin' Matrix. (woah.. WoW = The Matrix; I can't be the first person to make that analogy, can I?)

On a semi-related note -- and this is directed at the tech world though lj-friends are encouraged to chime in -- what's with the recent heavy usage of the term "wireless ISP"? Um, I don't think you guys understand what that word means. That term is a total misnomer the way you use it and it's *really* annoying hearing every other tech expert and journalist spouting it like a buzz word. The reality is that wireless networking (e.g. WiFi) and Internet service (e.g. DSL) are two different things. Yes, you can run broadband Internet to a location and then hook it up to a wireless access point (WAP) at that location, but it still has to come across some physical connection (i.e. a wire or cable)  before getting to the WAP. That's just common sense. Furthermore, even if an ISP like TimeWarner (which provides wireless hardware on-site for its customers) was considered a "wireless ISP", the term is still useless because that means *every* ISP is a "wireless ISP". Why? Because *any* Internet connection can have a WAP stuck on it! Even that crap dialup service, NetZero, can be made wireless. So unless you're talking about rare, cutting edge service providers that are beaming the Internet to our homes through neighborhood transmitters, please stfu.

See, I don't have a problem not having the career in computers that I dreamed of growing up and that everyone expected of me, but what I do have a problem with is that 99% of the people who did end up with that career are as intelligent and informed as fucking bag of rocks. That and a lot of them are opportunists who formerly told me I was a "fag" for wasting my time with "something so lame and useless as computers."

On yet another semi-related note, hi, welcome to Inappropriately Angry Thursday.

stfu, broadband, computers, united states, world, rant, internet

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