Apr 13, 2008 12:39
I just saw the weirdest thing down the street from my house on the way back from the grocery store.
There was this person -- I couldn't tell if it was a tall woman or a guy with long hair -- standing in the middle of the desert, with their pants down around their knees, turning in a circle over and over again at a medium pace, while waving around another pair of pants in the air.
After the shock wore off, I wanted to go out there and see if they needed help. But seeing how agitated they were, even from a distance, I decided against it. I hate to be so prejudice, but you can never tell if someone in that state is going to be violent when approached.
The thing is, I was coming back from the store where this 19 or 20 year old guy approaches me sheepishly and asks if he can have a few dollars so he can get something to eat. I said okay, but when open my wallet I found I no singles and only fives and twenties. But I decided, fuck it, if I give him five bucks and I'll have spent maybe $20 on people in need in the last year. That's not a lot at all.
The thing is, in the case of the person in the desert, I decided not to help because I didn't want to put myself at risk, however... in the case of the guy at the store, I decided to help because it wasn't going to hurt me to help. Though would it have hurt the guy? Did he want money for drugs he could OD on? I don't know. I don't think he did because after handing him the five, he thanked me and eagerly went into the grocery store. Which, to me, showed good sense and a sincere desire to survive because you can the most food for your money at a grocery store. Of course it could have all been a ruse. Who knows. Life is weird.