Here are some guidelines to help us organize the posts.
Title: Author:Winning Bidder:Rating/warnings: Fandom/length: Author Notes: Original Fiction
Title: Author:Winning Bidder:Rating/warnings: Genre/length: Author Notes: Icons
Artist:Winning Bidder:Fandom(s): No. of icons: Artsy Things
Title: Artist:Winning Bidder:Rating/warnings: Media: Artist Notes: Preview: Misc Trinkets
This template is for items such as City in a Box, or something that doesn't translate well to internet format. You can take a picture of yourself (if you're comfortable) with the gift, or you can take a picture of the gift when you've received it. Or, you can link us to your squee post when you've received it :D
Gift: Winning Bidder:Sender: Recipient Notes: Fanvids
Video title: Artist:Winning bidder: Artist notes: