Offering Interesting Stuff If you'd like to participate in the auction by offering something else that hasn't been covered in the other offering posts - such as jewelry, crafted items, memorabilia, gift cards, and related stuff - please comment here with what you're offering.
One offer, one comment. If you are offering multiple items separately, submit one comment for each item.
In the Additional Info section, please include the following information [choose all that apply]:
> sending more than one item to the winning bidder [e.g. a fic AND art, an icon set AND a scarf, etc.]
> offering items to multiple winning bidders [e.g. the three highest bidders will get one website layout each]
> a favored charity that will receive the winning bidder's donation, if it does not appear on the list of pre-approved recipient charities
> a "buy it now" price
Bidding Rules
Bid by commenting to the Offering post.
Bids must be raised by at least a dollar per bid.
Please do not delete a comment containing a bid - if you have an issue, please comment to your bid explaining what happened, or contact a Comm mod.
How to Offer
In the subject line of your comment, please list the type of item and fandom (if relevant). Then, copy the text in the form below, fill in all fields, and paste into the body of your comment.