bidding has closed!

Jan 28, 2011 06:15

thank you to all who bid on our auctions. its been great to see the interest generated and the people who have supported us :D

now it's time for people who offered items to contact their winning bidders and make arrangements on how those items will be delivered.

I'm sorry I have been a pretty absent mod for most of the auctions, my only excuse is that I got a letter 2 days before Xmas from the real estate that handles my home that told me that the owners weren't renewing the lease so from the 4th Jan onward (when the real estate agents reopened till now) i have been searching for somewhere to move to. Well my lease runs out Tuesday and I still don't have a house to move i have been frantically trying to get someone to approve us. If anyone has an 'in' with the 'powers that be', I'd be eternally grateful if you could have a word with them in my favor for me :D

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