Hey folks! We're still alive and resurfacing to make some announcements/reminders:
All the comments on the donation confirmation station up to about a day or two ago have been logged, as have most of the emails received last week. Also, offerers have been notified for most emails received last week. That said, we still have lots of blanks, meaning missing confirmations, so:
1. WINNING BIDDERS - you were all technically supposed to have your donation confirmations sent in to offerers or us by the Sunday that just passed. If you have not done so already, please do so immediately as your offerers will not be starting on your request until they have received these and may not be able to meet the October 1st deadline if they do not receive your confirmations early. Also, bear in mind that many people who offered items did so with a specific timeline for themselves in mind and if it turns out that your confirmations reach them too late, it could get problematic for everyone.
2. OFFERERS - if you have been contacted by your winning bidder with a confirmation OR by a mod about a received confirmation on behalf of your winner, please get in touch with your winning bidder to confirm that you are still on board and on the same page. also, once you receive confirmation from us or the winner, YOU CAN START WORKING ON/SENDING THE ITEM. To clarify, you do NOT need to be notified by both us and the winner. Either should be fine. If, however, there is a question or problem with the donation confirmation a winner sent you--or if you would like to extent your services as some have done to runner-ups and others for donations--please get in touch with the mods at our questions post.
Also, offerers, if for any reason, you are pulling out, contact your winner asap, or at least please contact a mod so we can see if the winner is still up for donation and/or can be set-up with a pinch-hitter. Also, if you are dropping out due to deadline issues - cannot deliver by Oct 1st, etc, please consider contacting your winner about an extension as I sincerely doubt that many people would have difficulty granting one provided that it is reasonable and something that you can follow up with. It’s all fine by us as from here on in, the dialogue is between winners and offerers unless something goes awry.
Ultimately, if either offerers or winners have not heard from the other party by this coming SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 12TH, this is when you should drop us a line either at the questions post or email (helppakistan.lj[at]gmail.com) and we will start poking around.
Finally, if anyone would like to volunteer with or assist as a co-mod in future rounds, please also drop us a line at the questions post or by email. We are hoping to have a lightning round once this one gets sorted out a bit more and hopefully another full round later. Due to other commitments, I know for a fact that I will not be able to dedicate as much time in the future to this auction and I can probably say this for some of the other current helpers as well so more heads and hands would be very much welcome and appreciated.
Thank you for all of your great work. Myself and the other mods are still logging confirmations as we get them and should have numbers for you and info about future rounds shortly. Stay tuned!
I shall leave you with some lovely auction-related icons made by
mystical_touch and