Donations and Charities/Aid Agencies List

Aug 18, 2010 22:40

There will be a more detailed post coming up about the auction-related donation process. We will try to follow the template used by help_haiti as it was successful in the past.

If you don't want to wait to donate, this is a list of recognized charity and aid groups who are accepting donations for the Pakistan Floods:

Red Cross (International Site) || Red Cross/Red Crescent

Pakistan Floods UNICEF Page
|| The Canadian UNICEF page

Doctors Without Borders/Medecins Sans Frontieres

OXFAM International

Direct Relief International

Save the Children International

CARE International

Food for the Hungry

MercyCorps (you can donate via PayPal, Google Checkout and Amazon Payments)

Disasters Emergency Committee (UK)

Aktion Deutschland Hilft (Germany)

The Citizens Foundation || FTCF UK || TCF USA

Islamic Relief USA

Christian Aid UK

ICNA Relief Canada || Helping Hand Online

Rotary International

Aga Khan Foundation Canada

ETA: here is another list of some other local and international aid groups who are reliably providing aid to the affected regions.

As with help_haiti,  all funds will be donated directly by the highest bidder to the charity group of the offerer's choice once the auction closes on the night of Saturday August 28th. We recommend that it be on this list; however, if it is not then the bidder must send the donation confirmation to the offerer directly.  If there is no preference then the bidder can donate to the charity they choose, provided that the charity is on this list. Some sort of confirmation (screencapture of electronic receipt with personal information blacked out, scan or photo of physical receipt, etc) of the donations should go to the offerer.

Alternatively, winning bidders can email the community mods if they are not comfortable with forwarding receipts and the mods will contact your offerers asap. Either way, confirmations are required to be sent to the offerers or mods before the offerer can begin working on the auctioned item. Once the offerer has received confirmation, they should post on the donation confirmation station so that we can make note of this.

This is not a comprehensive list as we are still going through local and international groups that are helping and there are many groups involved. However, these are some of the most recognized groups and the ones we are recommending as we would encourage international participation and for the donations to be received as reliably as possible.

If you are aware of other charities or groups that are doing work and raising funds for this cause and you would like to add them to this list, we would encourage that you research them and bring them to our attention. Please drop a line on our questions post and we will look into it.

Thank you for your interest and participation.

charities, organizations, agencies, donations

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