Um, I may have messed up my offer. For the lightning round, is there a cut-off at which point the winning bids win, or should I have set a threshold at which point people definitely win?
The lightning round is for smaller donations, so it is advisable to set your own cut-off, such as the first two bidders to bid 5$. It's a bit confusing, but hopefully once we get swinging we'll get the hang of it!
I love the idea of this, I'm just a little nervous about sending my money in. Where will you donate it to? By this, I mean, what charity? How, as somebody who is excited about participating in something like this, going to know that our money is going to the right place?
Well, the Red Cross is the world's foremost disaster relief foundation, and there is one operating in NZ at this particular moment, and that is the link found above in Q1. If you don't feel comfortable sending your money through the internet, I'm sure there is an option to mail or donate by hand to your local Red Cross with instructions that it be used for NZ relief.
Last year, when I participated in help_haiti, I donated online through the Red Cross initiative that went to Haitian relief.
Just to clarify--you make the donation online to either the Red Cross or the Salvation Army. We haven't found any other charities that are raising funds for this disaster yet. Then you send the mods here proof of your payment (the email receipt you get from the charity) and then we advise the offerer that you have paid and are ready to receive whatever you've won. We do not handle the payments personally.
Yes, that too. We're not saying that you absolutely have to donate to the Red Cross. As more charities are pointed out to us we will add them to our links list, definitely.
There's also the Salvation Army in Christchurch who have re-launched their appeal from September last year, if you wanted to include that in the donations list.
I had a question about the lighting round, hope it's okay to ask it here. Can we add what we wont do, there are a couple of things that weird me out and I'm not comfortable making videos about them.
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Last year, when I participated in help_haiti, I donated online through the Red Cross initiative that went to Haitian relief.
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