We are taking new offers for the auction for the next 8.5 hours, midnight EST US (GMT-5). Then there will only 24 hours left to make bids until we close this auction on Sunday March 13, 2011 at 1:00 am EST US time (an hour before our time change for spring!!)
We're very sad to see the devestation in Japan following so hard on the heels of the disaster in Christchurch. Our hearts go out to the people of Japan. Please go to
help_japan if you can make another auction offering, bid some more, or if you can help them out with modding. They are going to need all of those things. Go be amazing over there! I'm doing what I can to help them get going and get organized, while still closing everything out over here.
And the Linwood College Orchestra in Christchurch is in rather desperate shape. Please consider
donating to them.