Feb 23, 2011 16:22

I've approached several more people to help us steer this ship. I'd like to thank pinkfinity for her guidance, and tresa_cho for being such a rock.

There might be a help-nz v-gift in the works. pinkfinity very kindly spoke to someone at LJ about this and they are considering it. There is also a request here on the LJ news post. You can co-sign the request to show support for the idea. It might help sway them. :D


Important Dates:

Lightning Round 1 will run until Sunday Feb. 27th at midnight EDT. Stay tuned for info about further Lightning Rounds.

The Main Auction will start taking offers and requests on Monday Feb. 28th at 12:01 am. We will stop taking new offers at midnight on Monday March 7th.

BIDDING on the Main Auction will begin on Tuesday March 1st at 12:01 am and will close on Tuesday March 8th at midnight.

We have a delicious account and are bookmarking every offer and request by fandom and type of offer to make it all easier to sort through. The link is permanently in our sidebar, but the page is here.

mod_post, news

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