WHAT A DAY. Seriously. (:
First on the list wa Physics. PHYSICS GAME. Ha. SSC vs MC. Nakakatuwa nga. Monica (
anomic_tm), elly, a bunch of other classmates and I made total fools of ourselves hollering and cheering. YEH. The other seniors were so...disgusting. They wouldn't even cheer! It's like, you're at a game, with nothing better to do. Your friends, classmates, batchmates are playing and they need your support, so why don't you just give it already? YAGH.
Ambenta nga ng cheers namin. They ranged from the usual "Go SSC!" and "Go St. Scho!" to "FREE-FALL!" and "PROJECTILE!" and "PHYSIIIIIIICS!" We kinda mocked MC din (hehe) 'cause they had drums, and when they started a cheer, such as "Go M-C!", we were all "S-S-C!" Haha. Outright mockery, yeash, and it was all so funny. =)) Plus, we "revamped" our legendary cheer "Stand up" so we were all "Stand up come on alight, This is no time to lose the fight! Stand tall, just be proud, caouse you're from St. Scho say it aloud!" HAHAHAHAHA.
Well, at least SSC won. (:
Then, the uber-love news came that High School won the cheerleading competition and the basketball game as well. So no classes on Monday. YES. Eco Long Test ish moved! Pero seriously. Congrats teachers! (:
And a long, tiring morning ended with lunch, a two hour nap, and doing random stuff. YEH. (:
Corny as it may sound, today was A WINNING DAY.