The auction has ended. Now what?

May 02, 2013 00:05

It's now 12:01 am, which means the auction part of this round has officially ended.  Congratulations to all of the bidders who have won an item of their dreams, and thank you to everyone who participated whether they won or not.  Now though, we're really going to get down to business.

IF YOU CREATED AN AUCTION: First, you must comment on your winning bidder's post in the auction post stating that they have won.  Please note that your comment in the auction post is where your winner will confirm that a donation has been made.  You may wish to set an alert on the post or turn alerts to all of your comments on, so that LJ will notify you when your winner has replied with proof of a donation.  If you have yet to designate a preferred charity and you've decided you care about one charity over another, please let your winner know this at this time.  After you've discussed the details, your winner will donate/volunteer/etc.  This person is required to give you confirmation of this.  At any point, you can post your completed work/mail it to your winner/etc, but you are encouraged to wait until your bidder has given you proof of their donation. :)

IF YOU WON AN AUCTION: You will receive a comment on your winning bid in the auction post stating that you have won.  At that point, you will need to inform your auctioneer of your plan for a donation ("I'm going to donate to Save the Children tomorrow"; "I'm giving blood this week," etc.).  You will also need to explain what you want in your item if you have not done so already; if you're receiving a fic, give a prompt or a list of likes/dislikes.  If you're receiving a painting or graphic, tell your creator what you like, for example.  Give whatever information you feel is applicable.  If you don't care what you receive, please say this.  Obviously, at some point you will need to make your donation.  After you have done so, you will need to contact your auctioneer once more with proof: a receipt, a picture of you volunteering, etc.  The appropriate place to do this is in the auction post, so that I am also aware that a donation has been made.  You must confirm your donation!  Then (or if you're lucky before!), you will receive your item.

* If for some reason you have trouble contacting one another, the communication has stopped for whatever reason, please contact lieueitak.  I'll help in any way I can.

** Please take advantage of LJ's PM system, your email addresses, Skype, Twitter, MSN Messenger, and every other method of contacting someone else if you feel that would be helpful.

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