This auction post will remain open until Sunday, May 8, 4 PM (GMT+0). (Timetable with multiple time-zone conversions
Attention offerers: If you’d like to participate in the auction by offering words - fanfic, original fic, printed fanfic or original fic, beta services, non-fanfic editing services, and related things - please comment here
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Email address: catherinerose3(@)sbcglobal(.)net
YM/AIM/Gtalk/ICQ (optional):
You can see things I’ve created at: My Journal - use tag "fan fiction"
I am offering: 500+ piece of fiction (usually more the "+")
Fandoms (if appropriate): Harry Potter is my usual, but I'm willing to try Buffy, Stagate (SG1 or Atlantis), CSI:NY, Leverage - please see my interests and ask about any others listed.
Additional info: I have one more to finish from the main auction, and then I will be free to work on the next. I do not write above PG-13 usually, and my 'ships are strictly het. I'm much better with gen/family/friendship type things.
Starting bid (in USD): $5
You win the 500+ piece of fiction. If you will email or PM me with proof of donation, and let me know what you would like to see, I'd be grateful!
Thank you again!
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