This auction post will remain open until Sunday, May 8, 4 PM (GMT+0). (Timetable with multiple time-zone conversions
Attention offerers: If you’d like to participate in the auction by offering audio work - podfics, audio editing services, original music, filks, fanmixes, and related things - please comment here with what you’re offering. (
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Email address: pm me
You can see things I’ve created at:
(normally the songs have been re-ordered attached to cover art and zipped, but this was a rush of sorts)
(Again some rather quick ones for community challenges)
I am offering: mini mixes (3-5 songs), with cover or cover and back (and matching icon) if desired
Fandoms (if appropriate): Birds of Prey, SPN, Jossverse
Additional info: gen, het, femslash (though may be willing to do some m/m slash pairs for SPN) . I love minor characters, including generally unpopular ones, rare pairs and AU's/crossovers (if there's a fandom you'd like to check about crossing over with, just ask. I'm quite familiar with many fandoms) so don't be afraid to ask for any of those things.
I should note these may take a month or so though because of other charity obligations.
Starting bid (in USD): buy it now for v-gift for 3 song min (I'll probably do more) $5 for 5(+) to Animal Refuge Kansai(they take paypal, but you have to convert to yen)
Will take up to ten.
I'll make the donations to Animal Refuge Kansai, but I'll wait to hear from you to know how much to give.
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