This auction post will remain open until Sunday, May 8, 4 PM (GMT+0). (Timetable with multiple time-zone conversions
Attention offerers: If you’d like to participate in the auction by offering something else that hasn’t been covered in the other offering posts - jewelry, crafted items, memorabilia, gift cards, and related things - please
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Email address: message me on LJ, please.
You can see things I've created at: below
I am offering: I'll fold 2 origami cranes for each dollar bid, every bidder will get some and I'll cover shipping.
Cranes will be folded from squares of 15 cm per side , most will be in plain colored paper, for each 5 dollars in a given bid I'll include one crane made from patterned paper (floral patterns, kimono patterns and so on)
Fandoms (if appropriate): N.A.
Additional Info: The cranes will be mailed flat and protected (I'll include some stiff cardboard so that they travel well)
Starting Bid: $1
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Please PM me the address you want the cranes sent to, and also let me know whether there are any colors you love or you can't stand. :)
I'll start folding your cranes ASAP. :)
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