Round One Donation Totals

May 07, 2011 14:15

Thank you to everyone who participated in round one of help_japan!

The first round raised an absolutely amazing $101,733.91.

Auctions were offered in seven categories: Art & artistry, Audio, Everything else, Food, Graphics, Requests and Words. Here's the breakdown of donations by category:

Winners were provided with a suggested list of charities, but were able to donate to any charity their offerer found acceptable. We tracked donations for: US Red Cross, UK Red Cross, Médecins Sans Frontières, Network For Good, Save the Children, Shelterbox, UNICEF, and then a category for all other charities.

The variety of charities to which money was donated was much wider than expected, and the final category ended up being largest, as many people chose to donate directly to the Japanese Red Cross, to other international charities, or to animal rescue or other more specifically focused charities. Here's the breakdown of donations by charity:

A total of 3,894 offers were made, of which 2609 were bid upon & closed by the confirmation deadline.
(Please keep the confirmations trickling in, folks! We'd love to see how much the overall total is, when all's said and done!)

Many offerers set their prices in Help Japan v-gifts, which cost $2.99 each, all of which price went directly to Médecins Sans Frontières (LJ paid all processing costs). An amazing 1505 v-gifts were purchased, for a total of $4,509.95. (This was added to the MSF total in the figure above.)

The really amazing thing about this fandom auction was the number of people who contributed, and the way many smaller donations added up. (This is not to belittle those bidders who were exceptionally generous in their bidding & donations: their donations actually pulled the average bid size up quite a bit! They're the spikes in the figure below.)

This figure shows individual donation amounts color-coded by charity:

As you can see, the majority of donations are under $100.

In fact, the average donation size was $35.60.
The median, or mid-point of donations was $21.
And the most common donation size was $10.
(These figures exclude v-gifts)

Thank you so much to everyone who participated. We couldn't have done it without you, and together we've managed to do something really amazing!
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