Lightning Round II: V-Gift Boogaloo

Jan 28, 2010 08:18

Two weeks ago, we raised nearly $7,000 in our first help_haiti Lightning Round - thank you so much to everyone who offered creative works, and everyone who donated ( Read more... )

lightning round

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Comments 998

Offer: Fic - Glee, Heroes cruiscin_lan January 28 2010, 13:37:11 UTC
User Name: cruiscin-lan
Email address:
YM/AIM/Gtalk/ICQ (optional):
You can see things I've created at: here

I am offering: Fics of at least 1000 words per "Help Haiti" v-gift. That's 1000 words of fic for $2.99. If you'd rather donate some other way, just give me a heads-up.

Fandoms (optional) (characters/ships): Glee or Heroes, any pairing or character

Additional Info (optional): I'll consider any prompt or kink. Email me if you have questions.

Donation Minimum/Number of items offered: I'm setting the upward limit at 5 this time, although this might change if I find I have more time.


Re: Offer: Fic - Glee, Heroes psychme January 30 2010, 14:34:53 UTC
Just sent you two HH v-gifts for two fics. Thank you.


pricelessone January 28 2010, 13:43:48 UTC
User Name: pricelessone
Email address: shanez4ever at hotmail dot com
You can see things I've created at: LJI Nonfiction:
My fic is friends-locked.

I am offering:
American Idol:
Gen/friendship fic:
Season 8, Season 7, Season 3, Season 2 and Season 1.
I'm volunteering to write new fic based on a prompt from a bidder.

LJ Idol
These won't be official entries, or old stuff.
I'm volunteering to write something new, based on a prompt from a bidder.

Additional Info (optional): G-PG13

Donation Minimum/Number of items offered: $1.00 minimum --> 500 words


nannerz2cool January 28 2010, 14:08:59 UTC
Emailed you! $5.00 donation this time.

I would like an update to December pleeeeease.

And Kris & Daniel doing flips and stunts around the house - your choice what ensues from there!


Offer: Fic - Criminal Minds, Sherlock Holmes lagolindari January 28 2010, 13:56:43 UTC
User Name: lagolindari
Email address:
You can see things I've created at: lagolindari

I am offering: Drabbles of 100/200 words; ficlets of 500/600 words; fics of at least 1000 words

Fandoms (characters/ships): Criminal Minds, current TV series, Morgan/Reid only; Sherlock Holmes, 2009 movie only, charachter study or slash pairing.

Additional Info (optional): If you have special requests which may not fit the above criteria, feel free to PM me and ask - I may be able to satisfy you anyway!

Donation Minimum/Number of items offered: Offering 5 drabbles/stories. For 1000 words fics, minumum $ 5; $ 3 for shorter ones.


Re: Offer: Fic - Criminal Minds, Sherlock Holmes charly2004 January 29 2010, 14:00:57 UTC
6$ for Morgan/Reid getting together fic :)


Re: Offer: Fic - Criminal Minds, Sherlock Holmes lagolindari January 30 2010, 11:33:12 UTC
Thank you very much! I shall begin working on it immediately :).
Is there anything specific you would like to be included in the fic - specific lines, a specific setting, a particular scene... - or shall I roam free? :)

Thank you very much for your contribution ♥.

Also, I'm afraid I am not overly familiar with the v-gifts system: does the gift you already sent me cover the 6 $, or the customary 0.99?


Re: Offer: Fic - Criminal Minds, Sherlock Holmes charly2004 January 30 2010, 11:36:26 UTC
Thank YOU!
Oh, just roam free :) as long as it'S Morgan/Reid getting together/first time, I'm happy :D...oh yes, only thing, prety pretty please with a happy ending ;)


Icons: Dollhouse, Lost, Legend of the Seeker &more realproof January 28 2010, 13:58:05 UTC
User Name: realproof
Email address: reallyreal44[at]

You can see things I've created at: here at stormfronticons

I am offering: 6-8 icons

Fandoms (optional) (characters/ships): Dollhouse, Lost, Legend of the Seeker, Doctor Who, and more. See my latest posts for fandoms. But if you give me (hq-ish) pictures I'll even make icons of Miley Cyrus or Heidi Montag Pratt for you.

Additional Info (optional): email me with special requests, or if you're not sure about sth..

Donation Minimum/Number of items offered: 3-4$ up to 4 times (1$ for 2 icons)


Re: Icons: Dollhouse, Lost, Legend of the Seeker &more lildhampir January 28 2010, 15:39:34 UTC
Hi there. I'd like to order a set of 8 icons from you. I'll email after I've made payment. Thanks!

Editing my comment to add that my donation was two of the 2.99 Haiti vgifts that can be found in realproof's profile. The total donation is 6.00 for 8 icons. Thanks!


Offer of Fic-Alice, TBBT southern_heaven January 28 2010, 14:02:20 UTC
User Name: southern_heaven
Email address: southern_heaven -at- livejournal .com
YM/AIM/Gtalk/ICQ (optional):
You can see things I've created at: AO3|Fic Journal

I am offering: Drabbles and ficlets. 100 words per $1.00. You can choose if you want one longer ficlet or a bunch of drabbles.

Fandoms (optional) (characters/ships): Alice, Big Bang Theory, Nu!Doctor Who, Kings (Jack/David), Torchwood, Stargate Universe, Star Trek XI, or anything else I appear to have written for before. If you are unsure about a ship request, just ask.

Additional Info (optional): I will be taking only the first three requests. If I've got time, I'll take more later.

All kinks will be considered, but may be rejected (although that's highly unlikely).

Donation Minimum/Number of items offered: $1.00 for 100 words


Re: Offer of Fic-Alice, TBBT misura January 29 2010, 08:13:08 UTC
I would absolutely love something small for The Big Bang Theory - either something with Sheldon and Lexie (I adore Lexie's practical appliances of science) OR Sheldon and Leonard (Raj and Howard optional) discussing one of your SciFi fandoms.


Re: Offer of Fic-Alice, TBBT southern_heaven January 31 2010, 05:25:35 UTC
Confirmed. I'll have this written as soon as I'm not snowbound in the wrong place.


Re: Offer of Fic-Alice, TBBT southern_heaven February 8 2010, 06:16:32 UTC
Your fic is ready. Thank you again for your contribution to the relief effort for Haiti.


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