Auction Closing Procedures - PLEASE READ

Jan 19, 2010 22:14

This post contains information about auction closing procedures, confirmations of winning bids, the donation process, donation confirmation and thoughts on sharing the wonderful works created as part of help_haitiPlease read the entire post before asking questions. If you have any questions about any of the topics in this post, other than questions ( Read more... )

procedures, admin

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Comments 236

heidi8 January 20 2010, 03:17:49 UTC
PHOTOBUCKET TUTORIAL: how to redact and remove your personal information

1. When you receive your screen and/or email confirming your donation, take a screen shot of the pertinent information. With a Mac: shift + apple + 4 will get you a cursor to crop the pertinent information. With a PC: simply use your "print screen" key.

2. The image captured can now be loaded into a Photobucket account. These are free. If you don't have one, you'll need to sign up for an account. I recommend password protecting you account (it will not affect your image links).

3. Once you are in your account, you can load up the image of the receipt using the "upload image and videos" button →

... )


rane_ab January 20 2010, 05:03:51 UTC
Whee, thanks for this! *didn't have a clue how that worked*


mystofthestars January 20 2010, 11:10:10 UTC
Is it a problem if I simply erase those data by opening the screencap image in paint or whatever graphic program and erasing it with the eraser tool?


heidi8 January 20 2010, 12:15:22 UTC
Oh, that's definitely fine! But we couldn't tutorial on everything, so since everyone can access Photobucket, that's what we tutorial-ed on.


syllic January 20 2010, 03:30:22 UTC
Thank you. God, I'm not even sure there is a way to thank you enough for being so generous with your time and effort.

You have done so much, and it's incredibly admirable, and I, for one, am immensely grateful.


murgy31 January 20 2010, 03:32:53 UTC
I second this! Thank you so much!!


heidi8 January 20 2010, 03:50:06 UTC
There are so many people who have done so much in keeping everything running and organized here at help_haiti - and who will do so much to create the wonderful stories and art and crafts and grab boxes and podfics and everything else for the donors.

I doff my cap to all of them - to all of you. This is a community - fandom is my fandom - and I'm just thrilled to get to be a part of it.


joasakura January 20 2010, 13:57:33 UTC
amen. This has been an amazing experience. you guys have done something awesome :)


honeyandvinegar January 20 2010, 03:47:53 UTC
If I win, I'll probably have to do it by going in person to the Red Cross office in my town. We're in overdraft right now (as always *sigh*), so I'll be using tips from work.

Thanks for putting this altogether!!


vibrantharmony January 20 2010, 03:49:08 UTC
You have some very nice looking LJ cuts, but I don't think they've worked - the whole entry is showing up on the main comm page with no cuts :)


heidi8 January 20 2010, 03:51:15 UTC
Actually ;) you discovered our secret. They're not actually meant to be cuts - they're more being used as anchor tags to we can link people to specific sections of the FAQ.


vibrantharmony January 20 2010, 03:53:16 UTC
Hah, well you fooled me! Tricksy :D


heidi8 January 20 2010, 04:09:38 UTC
This icon is not true. :D


warriorpoet January 20 2010, 03:50:05 UTC
Say I'm an offerer whose winning bidder has won multiple auctions and combined all their winning bids into one donation, therefore e-mailing their confirmation to both the comm mods and all the other offerers of the auctions they have won. Should I, as one of the offerers, be posting on the Donation Confirmation Station thread after I've received that e-mail, or just wait for the mods to process it so that the mods aren't doubling up on confirmations?

Thanks for all your work on this, it's incredible :)


heidi8 January 20 2010, 03:52:31 UTC
If they've emailed the mods for confirmation, then you don't have to post there. But there is no downside in posting there, either.

And thank you for participating! And sharing in the joy of Aretha's hat!


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