Dec 04, 2009 13:36
i am taking care of them out of love for them, not obligation nor fear to/of you.
leave comparing out (so what if i'm a competitive person i don't care anymore >:/ )
first i put a bowl in the house so they get to drink cool water.
well obviously storm plays with the water! everyone knows that. but does that mean he's not gonna drink water? so it was said as though we had no COMMON SENSE and had the water bowl in the house. (it was an ice-bowl to begin with, and why don't you scold the lil one who make us sound like idiots whom you are nice to who told us to PUT IT OUTSIDE?!) now we have no COMMON SENSE to have all the water bowls outside cos the dogs are gonna get heatstroke cos of us.
just keep saying we have no common sense won't you. damn hard to please and can't be bothered to be nice and talk to us nicely, the people you regard nothing but people whom you criticise and name names. so others deserve to be talked nicely to and we are the stupid ones for you to 呼来唤去.
yes it might be our oversight. but don't you think you have been a little overboard, wth. only when you need something will you speak nicely?! are we that superficial to you. wth seriously.